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Your WONY Wake-Up playlist for 12/07/2017

Rock Bottom playlist for 12/06/2017

tunes , ya know , stress , yikes

S.P.M Productions, Miller on The Beat playlist for 12/06/2017

metroverts meet vincent indie down the road always take a hold of life before it falls out boy
#spmproductions nu content

The Midweek Mixdown playlist for 12/06/2017

Merry Chrysler

We all sing along but the notes are wrong playlist for 12/06/2017

"All our favorites were playing and we could shake shake shake"
"there is grace within forgiveness but it's so hard for me to find"

Renegade Barricade playlist for 12/06/2017

Here's to it going up from here on out

Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating in Space playlist for 12/06/2017

Last show of the semester, well, really until late August or September 2018.
Starts with the 1960s, then new music, then random stuff, from 1980s and 2000s, all in garage, indie, and psyche vein.

The Christina Trupia Show playlist for 12/06/2017

My last WONY show ever! Love y'all

0.00023 of a Year With Dill & JT playlist for 12/05/2017

~.00023 of A Christmas w/ Dil & JT

FOUR2THEFLOOR with DJ Boots playlist for 12/05/2017

Talk of the Grammy's and holiday cheer, this is FOUR2THEFLOOR signing off till next year!

© 2024 WONY, an SA funded club. Views expressed here are those of WONY and its members, not SUNY College at Oneonta or the SA.

WONY 90.9FM is a Class A, non-commercial radio station. You can view the station's public file here. Access our most recent Euqal Employment Opportunity (EEO) public file report here. If need assistance accessing the public file or our EEO report, please contact the WONY General Manager at, or (607) 436-2712.

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