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MInd Mischief playlist for 01/20/2017

Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating in Space playlist for 01/20/2017

Now Fridays 12noon to 1:30pm
Revolutionary songs, psyche, garage, folk, plus more new music in the second hour.

Coleman Squared playlist for 01/19/2017

Coleman Squared

on Fall 2017 Monday 6-8pm and Spring 2018 Thursday 4-6pm.
Top 200

The Underground playlist for 01/19/2017

Moved to a new morning time! Here are some acoustic-ish jams to kick off your semester.

FOUR2THEFLOOR with DJ Boots playlist for 01/18/2017

Thanks, Obama

The Matt Bearkland Show playlist for 01/18/2017

Roots and Branches playlist for 01/16/2017

Some music to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's Holiday

Roots and Branches playlist for 01/12/2017

A show to celebrate Jackie Scalzo's 50th birthday. My first radio appearance on the radio was on Jackie's show "Live from Utica" on KBUT in Crested Butte, CO. That appearance caused be to ask if I could be a WONY dj and the answer was yes (thankd Gina Gracio Soden). Jackie started her radio career as a member of WONY in the late 80s, so I thought this would be a nice birthday present. Happy birthday lady!

Roots and Branches playlist for 12/19/2016

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All WONY listeners, especially those who tune into my show

© 2024 WONY, an SA funded club. Views expressed here are those of WONY and its members, not SUNY College at Oneonta or the SA.

WONY 90.9FM is a Class A, non-commercial radio station. You can view the station's public file here. Access our most recent Euqal Employment Opportunity (EEO) public file report here. If need assistance accessing the public file or our EEO report, please contact the WONY General Manager at, or (607) 436-2712.

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