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Remembering the 80's and 90's playlist for 05/06/2015

Hey yall! Happy Hip-Hop Wednesday!
So I'm posting this video more for the song then the video. I was really diggin' it.

The Wednesday (W)rap Up playlist for 05/06/2015

The Wednesday (W)rap Up on CRACK!

In the Booth and Dreaming playlist for 05/05/2015

Quite Possibly my last show of the semester

Remembering the 80'and 90's : Spotlight Performance

Yo, I'm soooooo sorry for all the slack people! But it is finally here. A SPOTLIGHT PERFORMANCE! I didn't forget, I was just really, really, really, REALLY BUSY.

Okay, before I get to it. Last week on my show, I was talking with Adjani about how my show was no longer going to be around because I'm graduating, but don't worry! I have two more shows left and I will make sure the music is BUMPIN'! I will aim to make my last two shows FANTASTIC!

NOW let's not dwell on the end. Let me finally shine some light on a performance. (Yes one performance. Sorry, but I can't do two.)

Pop Punk Picks playlist for 05/05/2015

The Underground playlist for 05/05/2015

Last show of the year! See you in the fall!

Indie Alphabetical playlist for 05/05/2015

ES! My initials!! I tried.

Snake Eyes playlist for 05/05/2015

Synesthesia playlist for 05/05/2015

Neon Syrup playlist for 05/05/2015

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