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Indie Alphabetical playlist for 02/03/2015

"C" and "N"

Snake Eyes playlist for 02/03/2015

Synesthesia playlist for 02/03/2015

Indie rock at its finest!

Neon Syrup playlist for 02/03/2015

Skunk Radio playlist for 02/02/2015

Home of Ska and Punk!

The Discordian Orchestra playlist for 02/02/2015

Snow makes things more difficult. How do Europeans do it? Lol. In other news, Iceland grows a brain and helps out Pagans so they can have a temple. Varg would be pleased. And Quorthon!

Small's World playlist for 02/02/2015

Fantastic Mix of Indie, Hip Hiop, Classic Rock and Pop.. Keep it locked, cause it's a smalls world after all!

Remembering the 80's and 90's playlist for 01/28/2015

Here is the playlist for my show last week! Enjoy!

Remembering the 80'and 90's : Spotlight Performance

I'm finally posting up the Spotlight Performance meant for last week yall, but first...

SNOW DAY!!! No school, no school, no school!! lol
But this can be a good or bad thing depending on what classes you're taking.

Anyway, moving on!

I know this is late but I was trying to get work done and I just kept putting the post to the side, but I'm doing it now.


Roots and Branches playlist for 02/02/2015

A late start due to snow-I'm featuring some music I've picked up in the last few months.

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