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Kineticism playlist for 11/22/2014

Well, I lost the data for the last few minutes. Oops.

A Date with DJ Angela playlist for 11/22/2014

Aimee & Joanna's 100% Natural Good Time Band Solution playlist for 11/22/2014

Thnks 4 th mmrs

DJ Dan's Happy Music Fun Time Good Show Power Hour playlist for 11/21/2014

An even mix of mostly indie modern rock with my favorite hip-hop.

DJ Willwar playlist for 11/22/2014

The Rock Block
In which I stay comfy and discuss what makes a classic artist.

The Bear Attack playlist for 11/21/2014

A mix of the kick from outerspace

A Dubble Dose playlist for 11/21/2014

Come discover a land of magic and unlimited possibilities... welcome

Remembering the 80'and 90's : Spotlight Performance


Yes, this an early one! Let's get to it!

I will now be leaving the female singers alone for awhile and heading back over to the male performers.

This artist is very much praised for his contributions to R&B music. He is probably one of the first people you play when you need music to set the mood for a romantic night with that special someone.

BIG CLUE: Space Jam...Remember that movie? That was the movie back in the day! Well, he's on the soundtrack.

SOOOOOO instead of slowing it down, lets JAM with
...... >>>>

The Happy Hour with DJ Dad playlist for 11/21/2014

Neon Syrup playlist for 11/21/2014

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WONY 90.9FM is a Class A, non-commercial radio station. You can view the station's public file here. Access our most recent Euqal Employment Opportunity (EEO) public file report here. If need assistance accessing the public file or our EEO report, please contact the WONY General Manager at, or (607) 436-2712.

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