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Remembering the 80's and 90's playlist for 11/18/2014

The Discordian Orchestra playlist for 11/17/2014

So much multicultural stuff going on this week.

Remembering the 80'and 90's : Spotlight Performance

Better late than never, SPOTLIGHT PERFORMANCE!!!

SO, all weekend I have had this singers' songs on REPEAT. She has a voice that stands out from all other artists, that I know, and I just want everyone to bond with her on this song like I did.

This performance is a stray from my usual Hip Hop and R&B stuff. To me, this is like 80's soft rock/pop or something.

Now, before you play this song make sure your comfortable and in a chill mood because your about to have a swaying session WITH................................

Skunk Radio playlist for 11/17/2014


The Amanda Show! playlist for 11/17/2014

I Love KATS playlist for 11/17/2014

Indie Alphabetical playlist for 11/17/2014

That MD flow

Going the Distance playlist for 11/17/2014

Roots and Branches playlist for 11/17/2014

Do you like good music, that sweet soul music? Today is part 1 of blue-eyed and black-eyed soul to try to transform a dreary day outside into a lovely day in your mind.

In the Booth and Dreaming playlist for 11/16/2014

It's a mellow kind of night.

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