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Skunk Radio playlist for 09/08/2014


The Discordian Orchestra playlist for 09/08/2014

Deep down, you know the hearts of men lay with Alexander the Great. Under a red moon..

The Amanda Show! playlist for 09/08/2014

I Love KATS playlist for 09/08/2014

In the Booth and Dreaming playlist for 09/07/2014

Interstate 88 playlist for 09/07/2014

Show numero Dos of the semester! Way better than Green Day's album, ¡Dos! Trust me. Exciting news and good tunes! Keep it locked.

Homestrech playlist for 09/07/2014


is not currently scheduled.

Remembering the 80's and 90's : Spotlight Performance

First Spotlight Performance of the semester!
Okay, so this performance gets spotlighted because 1.) I LOVE this song and 2.) It's amazing.....yup that's that. lol
Anyway, most people know who this singer is; she is up there with the greats.
Clue: Butterflies...I assume she loves butterflies because she has them in a lot of her videos or pictures.

Moving on, ENJOY!!!

WOMP and Trance Nation playlist for 09/05/2014

Today is a relax kind of day. Ended up being jazzy and worldy because Dance rotation is broken.

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