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Wonderland with DJ White Rabbit and the Mad Hatter playlist for 04/03/2011

Ugh so done with this week already. Next week: ALUMNI WEEKEND! WOOOOOOOOOOOOT! =D

A Merry Go-Round of Roundabout Sound playlist for 04/03/2011

New music for spring! and Wes Anderson soundtracks music!

DJ Sock's Super Song Show playlist for 04/03/2011

Wheeeeeee, music! I had an energy drink prior to this show. WOOOOOO.

Saturday Mornings with Shawn-Ray playlist for 04/03/2011

With Thriving Ivory (x2), Squeeze, and Buzzcocks by request.

By the wayI'm doing this after the fact because it wasn't working right during my show.

Llama Party! playlist for 04/02/2011

feat DJ Boots

The Flying Trapeze playlist for 04/02/2011

Covered by DJ Llama and DJ Boots!

FOUR2THEFLOOR with DJ Boots playlist for 04/02/2011


Discussion: The Oneonta Theater, and upcoming shows.

I saw John Mayall last night. He rocked. But the show got me thinking, and I want to open a discussion to see what you, the listeners, think.

Well, I noticed that most of the crowd last night was mainly composed of people over 40. Rock and Roll lovers of the '60s and '70s. So I'm curious if the theater will aim more toward the older crowd when they book shows?

© 2025 WONY, an SA funded club. Views expressed here are those of WONY and its members, not SUNY College at Oneonta or the SA.

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