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Sleepy Time with DJ PM playlist for 02/09/2012

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
news news news News
Striplight No Dub No Entry 15 years of tummy touch dance
The magnetic fields Andrew in drag Andrew in Drag Top 200
Frank Walton The back step The back step jazz
NRBQ Rocket in my Pocket Youtube
Nada Surf no snow on the mountain the stars are indifferent to astronomy Top 200
Tigertown what makes it harder welcome to tiger town Top 200
hello, seattle the divide hello, seattle local
shearwater open your houses(basilisk animal joy Top 200
the city never sleeps return to sender madison Local
sigur ros Viorar Vel Til Loftarasa hauf heim
galleries untitled it's all in the timing Local
nancy stearns it's nice weather for ducks weather or not jazz
Skrillix breakin' a sweat re:generation Dance
the wheel workers the seal and whale unite Top 200
news news news news
Tony McGhee T-joint Who is Tony Mcgee jazz
We are the ocean untitled go now and live Top 200
NRBQ she got the house youtube
eugene grey wheel O matilda Diversity jazz
incubus mexico morning view
big deal cool like kurt lights outr Top 200
misery signals coma controller
explosions in the sky your hand is mine explosiion s in the sky
jose Garcia beseme mucho songs for a lifetime jazz
cole porter let's do It cole porter
Frank Sinatra cheek to cheek frank sinatras collection
mogwai take me somewhere youtube

My new show in the morning and it is going to be lots of fun lots of new music from the area and all over the world

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