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Headbanging Hillbilly Honkytonk Hour(s) playlist for 01/31/2013

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
Seasick Steve Can't Teach An Old Dog New Tricks Can't Teach An Old Dog New Tricks
Flat Duo Jets Wild Wild Lover Flat Duo Jets
Clutch 10001110101 Robot Hive/Exodus
Ben Harper & Charlie Musselwhite We Can't End This Way Get Up! Top 200
John Fullbright Satan And St.Paul From The Ground Up
Old Time Machine Feel So Cold Old Time Machine Top 200
Them Damned Young Livers All Hell Psalms Of III
Bob Dylan The Times They Are A'Changing Essential Bob Dylan
Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band Walmart Killed The Country Store The Whole Fam Damnily
Ben Harper & Charlie Musselwhite Blood Side Out Get Up! Top 200
Lydia Loveless Can't Change Me Indestructible Machine
Sophie Gault & Co. Bon Temps Rough Mix
Old Time Machine Doin' All I Can Do Old Time Machine Top 200
Agnostic Mountain Gospel Choir Oh, Sorrow Fighting And Onions
Rockbottom James & The Detonators Love So Much Everybody Stay Calm
News News
Red Fang Prehistoric Dog Red Fang
Title Fight Secret Society Floral Green
Rainbow Man On The Silver Mountain Very Best Of Rainbow
Clutch Earth Rocker Earth Rocker (Single) Metal
D.I. Spiritual Law Horse Bites Dog Cries
Alice In Chains Sickman Dirt
METZ Headache METZ Top 200
Dead Kennedys Forest Fire Plastic Surgery Disasters
Minor Threat Salad Days Minor Threat
Deftones Swerve City Koi No Yokan Metal
The Minutemen Viet Nam Double Nickels On The Dime
Corrupted Morals Be All You Can Be Chet EP
Sonic Youth Brother James Smart Bar / Chicago 1985 Top 200
Dirtpope Nothing But Torture Dirtpope EP
Pile Don't Touch Anything Magic Isn't Real

...And God said to Abraham "stomp your boots ya sunnabitch!"

In the second hour God said "Now bang your head....stage dive too!"

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