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Party Time playlist for 03/04/2013

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
Adrew WK It's time to party I get wet
Suffocation Rapture of Revocation Pinical of Bedlam Metal
The Beards The beardaccessory store Having a beard is the new not having a beard Metal
Darkthrone Lesser Men The underground resistance Metal
Stratovarus Fantasy Nemesis Metal
Cannibal corspe Covered with sores Butchered at birth
Artifical fear Stone tower temple
Dimmu Borgir Mourning Palace Enthrone darkness triumphant
John Licht/ Daniel LIcht Honor for all Dishonored OST
DIssection Where dead angels lie Storm of Lights bane
Lindsey Stirling and Peter Hollins Sons of Skyrim
Alcest Autre Tempes Les Voyages De L'Âme
Malukah Age of aggression
Flesh God apocalypse The violation Agony
Inon Zur Leliana's song Dragon Age OST
NEWS News news news
Neil Davidge Green and Blue Halo 4 Dance
Seven Year Existence Phoneutria Feast The scavenger's Daughter Metal
Alice and Chains Hollow HOllow Metal
Soilwork The Momentary BLiss The living Infinite Metal
Pig with the face of a boy Complete history of the soviet union
THe protomen The good doctor ACt II: The father of death
Ubisoft Mian Theme Assassin's creed II OST
Carach Angren And the consequences Macabre Death came throughtthe phantom ship
Legend PST Champion Theme
Title Screen FTL OST
Ephixa Tristam Dubstep remix
Powerglove mario minor Metal kombat for the mortal man
news news news news


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