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A New Paradigm playlist for 10/31/2010

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
Miami Sound Machine Hot Summer Nights
Phish The Curtain With
The WHo Blue Red and Grey
Pink FLoyd Sheep
Bon Jovi Bad Medicine
Grateful Dead Fire on the Mountain
Heart Magic Hands
Foreigner Cold As Ice
Beethoven Voilin Conceerto in d major
New York Funkexchange The Bailout pt 3 Local
The Eagles Life in the Fast Lane
Point to point Fall Jazz
Kooly High EST Rae Intro new world
JimKata Burn my money Burn my Money Local
Tim Chad and Sherry Baby we can work it out Baby we can work it out Rock
Tim Chad and Sherry This could be our song Baby we can work it out Rock
The Black Freeway (exiled) Sun in the day moon at night Rock
Fernandez and Wright Why is it always Unsung Jazz
Phish Slave to the traffic
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