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Blood and Thunder with The Whale playlist for 11/01/2010

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
King Diamond Halloween Fatal Portrait
Powerglove Gotta Catch Em All Saturday Morning Apocalypse Metal
Jaldaboath Calling on All Heraldic Beasts! Rise of the Heraldic Beasts Metal
Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction Stark Von Oben We Are Volsung Metal
Forbidden Forsaken at the Gates Omega Wave Metal
Pyramaze Sleepy Hollow Melancholy Beast
Ozzy Osbourne Bark at the Moon Bark at the Moon
Helstar Rhapsody in Black/Baptised in Blood Sins of the Past
Fantomas Rosemary's Baby The Director's Cut
Type O Negative Black No. 1 (radio edit) Bloody Kisses
Blind Guardian Tommyknockers Tales From the Twilight World
Rigor Mortis Freaks Freaks EP
Dark Angel Darkness Descends Darkness Descends
Holy Grail Fight to Kill Crisis in Utopia Metal
GWAR A Gathering of Ghouls Bloody Pit of Horror Metal
Enslaved The Beacon Axioma Ethica Odini Metal
Halford The Mower Made of Metal Metal
Suffocation Infecting the Crypts Effigy of the Forgotten
Slayer Raining Blood Reign in Blood
Cloven Hoof The Gates of Gehenna Cloven Hoof
Skinny Puppy Convulsion Too Dark Park
Tankard Zombie Attack Zombie Attack
Helloween Halloween Keeper of the Seven Keys pt. 1

Halloween special.

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