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Sunday Mornings with Yiwei playlist for 09/01/2013

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
Paul Turner islands Another World
Hao Yun suddenly thought ideal this word suddenly thought ideal this word
Paul Turner astronauts
XTX and blooded animal up and down is do nothing
The Radha Thomas Ensemble Bluesette
Omnipotent Youth Society kill that guy from Rock home town Omnipotent Youth Society
Rob Ryndak T.D. A Wonderful thing
James Danderfer State of ruin The Hummingbird Brigade
Second hand rose permit artist rich frist Second hand rose
San Ren Shang-ri La San Ren
Cecily Kate My funny vaentine Srandards
Sandee Chen I'm not a humorous girl I'm not a humorous girl
The Thumb Girl ms zhang
The Tel Aviv Session Alk Ataou The toure-raichel collective
Bevel Emboss I like movies Celluloid
Zuoxiao's couse Ulan Bator's night
Paul Turner Angels cry Clear Blue
Saffron Teast Eawning
Sophisticated Ladies Sophisticated Lady A true story
Xiaoli Wan Peg-top All the things all better than you imagine
Ennio Morricone Finale Lolita
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