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Thursday Afternoons with Yiwei playlist for 10/31/2013

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
Bear Biscuit Watching Movie alone Bear Biscuit
Happy Avenue Night Happy Avenue
Happy Avenue Butterfly Happy Avenue
Escape Plan Ten thousand Sorrow Earth
Muma Dim Star MUMA
Muma Third Party MUMA
Cao fang Far away form sky Far away from sky
Cao fang The southern town Sing a song, Waiting for the sunset
Cao fang The Smallest Sea Far away from sky
Thumbelina Clothes of Cloud Injury Flower in Full Bloom
Thumbelina Pu Suan Tzu, Strange Dust Injury Flower in Full Bloom
Zhang Chu Miss Zhao Shameful Being Left Alone
Miserable Faith Goodbye Jack NO
Miserable Faith The most beautiful day in the life NO
Sound Fragment Under Life Is.... The World is a Noise Garden
Lou Reed Pale Blue Eyes The Velvet Underground
Lou Reed I'm Waiting for the Man The Velvet Underground
Basia Bulat It can't be you Tall Tall Shadow
Kings of Leon Beautiful War Mechanical Bull
Kevin Devine & the Goddamn Band Redbird Bubblegum
Kid Karate Two Times Lights Out EP
Over the Rhine Sacred Ground Over the Rhine
Over the Rhine All Over Ohio Over the Rhine
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