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Party Time playlist for 03/18/2014

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
News news news news
Andrew WK It's time to party I get wet
Alestorm You are a pirate Back through time
Behemoth Messe Moire The Satanist Metal
I am Heresy Rahbh Thy Will Metal
Van Canto Fight for your life Dawn of the brave Metal
The Glitch mob Skullclub Love death immortality Top 200
Dio/Iommi God rest ye merry gentleman We wish you a metal xmas
Psycho stick Red Snow The Flesh eating rolleerskae holdiay joyride
Nightwish Nymphomanif fantasia Angels fall first
The Misfits Helena Famous MOnsters
Marlyn Manson This is Halloween NIghtmare revisted
She wants revenge Kidnap the sandy claws Nightmare revistied
Alestorm Kealhauled Black sails at midnight
Flogging Molly Seven deadly sins Within a mile of home
Dropkick murphys going out in style Going out in style
The CHieftains The foggy dew
News news news news
Within Temptation Dangerous Hydra Metal
Lorna SHore Accumlatory Genophage Maleficium Metal
Van Canto The final countdown Dawn of the brave Metal
Behemoth Blow your trumpets gabriel The Satanist Metal
The Dubliners Rocky road to dublin
U2 Where the streets have no name Joshua tree
The Kings singers Danny boy
Celtic Women Scarborough fair
Orthodox celts Star of the county down
Flogging MOlly Durnken Lullbies Drunken Lullbies
Dropkick murphys Shipping up to boston THe Warrios code
Primodial The Coffin ships The Gathering wilderness
news news news news

The Dreaded captain Reinhold tries to figure out what holiday this is.

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