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Party Time playlist for 03/24/2014

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
News news news news
Andrew wk It's time to party I get wet
Sarke Fire Araugint Metal
Sahg odium delirium Delusions of grandeur metal
Behemoth Messe noire The Satanist Metal
Bodyfarm Unbroken The coming scourge Metal
GWAR Pettin' An Animal
The Agonist Decieve Me
Agalloch Celestial Efegy The Serpetn and the sphere
Musk Ox Oceanic
Woods of Ypres Kiss my ashes good bye Woods V: Grey Skies and electric light
Leviathan Summoing Lupine Howl mockery at the cross
Alcest Ecailles De Lune Part 1 Ecailles de Lune
News news news news
Behemoth The Satanist The Satanist MEtal
Vanden Plas Vision 10n-inside Chronicles of the Immortals: Netherworld Metal
Mone than a thousand Heist Lost at home Metal
Until Dawn Strings of the Damned horizon Metal
Dimmu bogiro Moonchild domain Godless savage garden
The Black Dahlia murder Carbonized in cruciform Ritual
The Fall ot Froy The Walls bleed lust Phantom on the horizon
Bela Fleck and the FLecktones Sojourn of Arjuna
A Forrest of stars Gather of the pure A shadowplay for yesterdays
NOFX That man I killed Wolves in wolves clothing


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