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Party Time playlist for 04/07/2014

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
Andrew WKY It's time to party I get wet
MOunt Salem Good Times Endless Metal
Lorna Shore Born in Blood Maleficum Metal
The socks Electric war The sock s Metal
Vanden Plas Vision 3hree- Godmaker Chronicles of the Immortals: Netherworld Path 1 MEtal
Anaal Nathrakh Forging towards teh sunset Veritas
Anaal Nathrakh In the constellation of the black widow in constellation of the black widow
Powerwolf We drink your blood Blood of the saints
Necrophagist Fermented Offal Discharg
Sophicide Blood for Honor Perdition of the sublime
Galar Skogskvad Skogskvad
Coromant Scavengers feast Metazoa
News news news news
Behemoth Messe Noire The Satanist Metal
The Glitch mob Fly by night only Love death immortality Top 200
Unti dawn Strings of the damned Horizon Metal
Wildpuppet A bloody lullaby Bloody lullabies Dance
Gnaw their tongues Teeth that leer like open graves
Fleshgod apocalypse The Egoism Agony
Tortorum As the light falls to slaughter Katabasis
Suicide silence disengage
trivium Shogun
news news news news

Anaal Natharak is hard to spell and basically just really awesome sounding noise.

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WONY 90.9FM is a Class A, non-commercial radio station. You can view the station's public file here. Access our most recent Euqal Employment Opportunity (EEO) public file report here. If need assistance accessing the public file or our EEO report, please contact the WONY General Manager at, or (607) 436-2712.