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Party Time playlist for 04/14/2014

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
NEw news news news
Andrew WK It's time to party I get wet
From Hell The walking dead Ascent from hell Metal
Hammercult steelcrusher Steelcrusher Metal
Trollfest SolskinSeuction suite No.21 Kaptein kaos Metal
Stelpather You're beatuful when you dont' talk All you can eat MEtal
Red hot chili peppers Snow Stadium arcadium
Korpiklaani Veriset aparat Teravaskanto
The Lonely Island Yolo The Wack Album
Wolves in the throne room I will lay my bones among the rocks and roots Two hunters
Psychostick This is not a song it's a sandwhich Sandwhich
Abigail williams The Departure In the shadow of athousand suns
News news news news
This is your life Holy Diver Dio Tribute MEtal
Animals as leaders Ka$cade The Joy of motion Metal
THe Glitch mob I need my memory back Love death an immortalyd Top 200
Sahg Slip on the dedge of the universe Delusions of Grandeur MEtal
Angel Vivaldi An erisian autumn
Malukah Leliana's song
Agalloch Kneel to the cross
Tupac If my homies call Tupacalypse now
Be'lakor Countless skies Stone's reach
The Black Dahlia murder moonlight equilibrium Ritual
Wretched The deed of elturial Beyond the gate
Skeletonwtich Burned form bone Serpents unleashed
news news news news

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