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Winocalypse 2.0 playlist for 04/17/2014

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
foster the people pseudologia fantastica supermodel top 200
blind scuba divers jason bourne blind scuba divers dance
the crystal method emulator the crystal method dance
tokyo police club toy soldiers forcefield top 200
in flames come clarity
baby metal gimme chocolate
john legend all of me
kill paris keep your secrets in midnight city
brantley girlbert bottoms up
l'arc~en~ciel feeling fine
shiny toy guns speaking japanese
delain here come the vultures the human contradiction metal
black lips make you mine under the rainbow top 200
aloe blacc wake me up lift your spirit top 200
the glitch mob mind of a beast love death immortality top 200
necrophagist diminished to b
t.m.revolution resonance
powerwolf sanctified with dynamite
krewella alive
hollywood undead levitate
your favotire martian orphan tears
zz ward put the gun down
The Beards you should consider having sex with a bearded man
muse hysteria
lostprophets sway
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