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Party Time playlist for 04/29/2014

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
News news news news
Andrew WK It's tiem to party I get wet
From Hell THe walking dead Ascent from ehll Metal
Lorna Shore God Maker Maleficum Metal
Crematory Until the end Antiserum MEtal
Behemoth The Satanist The Satanist MEtal
The Agonist Chloropormazine Lullbies for the dormant mind
Wretched Dilated disapointmetn Son of perdition
Skeletonwitch Repulsive salvation Breathing the fire
The BLack Dahlia murder Funeral Thirst Majesty
Bring me the HOrion Pray for Plagues Count your blessings
Suicide SIlence Disengage NO time to bleed
Born of OSiris Divergency Tomorrow we die alive
Cradle of Filth Nocturnal Supremacy V empire
news news news news
Body Farm Unbroken The coming Scourge Metal
Trollfest Verkundiger Kaptein Kaos Metal
Animals as leaders Tooth and claw The joy of motion Metal
Behemoth Blow your trumpets gabriel The Satanist Metal
Al Namrood A'hd al jahiliyah
Fintroll Under bergest rot
Sabaton 40-1 Coat of Arms
Ensiferum Battle song Ironhead
"Weird" Al Yankovic Amish Paradise
Anaal Nathrakh A metaphore for the dead Vanitas
Coolio Ganstrers paradise
Pendulum The Island
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