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Groovy Garbage playlist for 05/06/2014

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
news news news
Jamaze Nature Boy Around the World World
Animals as Leaders Ka$cade The Joy of Motion Metal
Avril Lavigne Hello Kitty
Avril Lavigne 17
Avril Lavigne Girlfriend (German Version)
Kidz Bop Complicated
Doc Stewart Ironman Blues Code Blue Jazz
Kidz Bop Sk8er Boi
Bethan Horton Let Me Go (Avril Lavigne Cover)
Rochelle Diamante Wish You Were Here (Avril Lavigne Cover)
Pantera 5 Minutes Alone Far Beyond Driven Metal
news news news
Behemoth The satanist The Satanist Metal
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Ponponpon
Cowboy troy Crick in my neck
Lil' wayne american star
Rita ora R.I.P
Bobby pickette Monster rap
Rednex Old pop in an oak
Carl Michaelson Walk these streets 2 sides to every story Local
D4nny anything is possible
tonje langeteig crappy housewife
Jenna Rose my jeans
P dallas do something
Will I am #thatpower
Black Angels Sunday Evening Clear Lake Forest Top 200
Chelsea Cav superstar Simply.... Local
R Kelly trapped in the closet p1
news news news

Avril Lavigne

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