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The Megapixel Mix playlist for 09/12/2014

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
David Arnold and Michael Price How It Was Done Sherlock: Music From Series 3
3LAU How You Love Me feat. Bright Lights How You Love Me
Ivan Goulghl, Feelixpawl, Georgi Kay In My Mind (Axwell mix) In My Mind
VNV Nation Space & Time Automatic
Blackbird Blackbird Tear Boracay Planet
John Dalhback, Rebecca & Fiona Honors (Radio Mix)
Eminence Falling Stars Monstercat 11
Mother Falcon Fireflies Alhambra
Wild Club Thunder Clatter Youth
Little Daylight Restart Tunnel Vision
The Dear Hunter What Time Has Taught Us (Indigo) The Color Spectrum
The Wombats Techno Fan This Modern Glitch
Oh Land White Nights Oh Land
Youngblood Hawke We Come Running Wake Up
Zedd Stay The Night feat. Hayley Williams Stay The Night
Coves Beatings Soft Friday Top 200
Grace Weber Till I Hurt You The Refindery Top 200
Tennis I'm Callin' Ritual in Repeat Top 200
Karen O Rapt Crush Songs Top 200
Porter Robinson Lionhearted Worlds
Blackbird Blackbird All Boracay Planet
Tallulah Company of Thieves Running From A Gamble
My Body Sings Electric Outside Changing Color
The Rental 1000 Seasons Lost in Alphaville Top 200
Blond Redhead Dripping Barragan Top 200
Ballet School Pale Saint The Dew Lasts an Hour Top 200
Prawn Porlonged Exposure Kingfisher Top 200
Wildlife Control Different Wildlife Control
Darkmateria The Picard Song
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WONY 90.9FM is a Class A, non-commercial radio station. You can view the station's public file here. Access our most recent Euqal Employment Opportunity (EEO) public file report here. If need assistance accessing the public file or our EEO report, please contact the WONY General Manager at, or (607) 436-2712.