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The Discordian Orchestra playlist for 09/22/2014

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
News News News
Dragonforce Ring of Fire Maximum Overload Metal
Candlemass Bewitched Nightfall
At the Gates Slaughter of the Soul Slaughter of the Soul
Pallbearer Vanished Foundations of Burden Metal
Opeth Eternal Rains Will Come Pale Communion Metal
Doomsday Mourning Externalities Negligent Acts... Metal
Goatwhore Cold Earth Consumed in Dying Flesh Constricting Rage of Merciless Metal
Darkest Hour Wasteland Darkest Hour Metal
Doldrum Blistering in the Sun From the Basement Local
Death Crystal Mountain Symbolic
Bathory Equimanthorn Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Funeral From These Wounds From These Wounds
Bray Dial Tone Wired Local
Black Sabbath The Wizard Black Sabbath
News News News

Excited twosome trainees fed to the whale of metal! \m/ UPDATE: PLAYLIST FUCKING EATEN BY SITE, SO INACCURACIES ABOUND!

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