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A Date with DJ Angela playlist for 10/04/2014

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
The 1975 girls
keane everybody's changing
Kristen Bell for the first time in forever
john butler trio spring to come
mayer hawthorne back seat lover
edu lobo zanzibar
grouplove tongue tied
beck morning
grey gordon bar stools and haircuts Forget I Brought it Up TOP200
minus the bear electriv rainbow lost loves TOP200
grey gordon learned helplessness Forget I Brought it Up TOP200
minus the bear surf n turf lost loves TOP200
george ezra budapest
churchilll change
john mayer waiting on the world to change
rude magic
ingrid michaelson girls chase boys
sight of the sun fun
yael nalm new soul
another language new topia This will Destroy you TOP200
blake mills if i'm unworthy heigh ho TOP200
another language dustism This will Destroy you TOP200
blake mills cry to laugh heigh ho TOP200
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