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The Megapixel Mix playlist for 10/10/2014

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
David Arnold and Michael Price How It Was Done Sherlock: Music From Series 3
Anna Lunoe All Out All Out Dance
Porter Robinson Lionhearted Worlds Dance
The History of Apple Pie Tame Feel Something Top 200
Mr. Twin Sister Out of the Dark Mr. Twin Sister Top 200
Psychic Friend Water Sign My Rocks Are Dreams
Field Report Home (Leave The Lights On) Marigolden Top 200
Cobalt Cranes Last Horizon Days in the Sun Top 200
Max Capote Sin mentirte aperito de moda World
Simian Ghost The Capitol Youth Top 200
Yael Meyer Warrior Heart Warrior Heart Top 200
WE ARE TWIN Keep on Lovin' You We Are Twin
Silva Vista Pro Mar Ocean View World
Hippie Sabotage Sunny The Sunny Album Top 200
Blackbird Blackbird Tangerine Sky Tangerine Sky
I Am The Doctor Murray Gold Doctor Who (The 50th Anniversary Collection)
Astronaut Apollo Monstercat 11
Slow Magic Still Life How to Run Away Dance
Lydia Ainsworth Candle Right from Real Dance
Eminence Falling Stars Monstercat 11
LVL UP I Feel Okay Hoodwink'd Top 200
Flying Lotus Never Catch Me You're Dead Top 200
Hostage Calm Your Head/ Your Heart Die On Stage Top 200
Blackbird Blackbird Grow Old With Me (Don't Let Go) Tangerine Sky
Naughty E Sharp Project Naughty EP Local
Avi Buffalo Can't Be Too At Best Cuckold Top 200
The Vines Metal Zone Wicked Nature Top 200
Once Say It To Me Now Original Broadways Cast Recording
Karen O Ooo Crush Songs Top 200
Neil Patrick Harris Everything You Ever Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
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