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Car Rides With Christine playlist for 11/11/2014

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
News News News News
Safe Harbor Safe Harbor yea
Hozier Jackie and Wilson Hozier Top 200
GOAT Hide from the Sun Commune World
Alt-J Hunger of the Pine This is all Yours Top 200
Cold War Kids All This Could Be Yours Hold My Home Top 200
The Coathangers Love Em and Leave Em
Father John Misty Bored in the USA
Alt-J Matilda
Safe Harbor Bla Bla
Grizzly Bear Speak In Rounds
Radiohead Reckoner
Father John Misty Nancy From Now On
Alt-J Bloodflood
Radiohead Karma Police
Father John Misty Now I'm Learning to Love the War
News News News News
Safe Harbor Ya Ya
Hozier Cherry Wine Hozier Top 200
Young Statues Run The River Dry The Flatlands are Your Friend Top 200
Cold War Kids Hot Coals Hold My Home Top 200
Hozier Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene Hozier Top 200
Alt-J MS
Radiohead Knives Out
Grizzly Bear Knife
Safe Harbor Safe Harbor Yee
Father John Misty Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings
Radiohead 15 Step
Grizzly Bear A Simple Answer
Philip Selway It Will End In Tears Weatherhouse Top 200
Hozier Take Me To Church Hozier Top 200
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WONY 90.9FM is a Class A, non-commercial radio station. You can view the station's public file here. Access our most recent Euqal Employment Opportunity (EEO) public file report here. If need assistance accessing the public file or our EEO report, please contact the WONY General Manager at, or (607) 436-2712.