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Sgt. Dunbar, or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Music From My Hometown.

The name of the band is Sgt. Dunbar and the Hobo Banned. They come from my hometown of Albany, NY, which I find to be unusual. Maybe it's just me, but does anyone else know that feeling where you hear a band, and someone tells you it's from just up the road, and you say to them "That can't be, this is too good. This came from someplace significantly hipper, a place with better production values and and cooler people." And then you see their tour schedule is made entirely of venues within 10 miles of your house, they're on the cover of every local publication, online or print, and the lead singer walks out of the restaurant you were eating lunch at an hour ago.

This is all normally followed by the thought: "Wow...That's really cool."

That's this band for me. For fans of Neutral Milk Hotel, Arcade Fire and any other indie band that has too many instruments in it to be a rock band, but still is.

-The Spicy Pumpkin

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