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DJ Dan's Happy Music Fun Time Good Show Power Hour playlist for 02/06/2015

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
Redtenbacher's Funkestra Dr. Hypenstein Dr. Hypenstein Top 200
Sleater - Kinney Bury Our Friends No Cities to Love Top 200
Beefy Up Up and Away
Chandos .. Pretty Sure it's 'Tang Top' Rats in Your Bed Top 200
The Shakes Falling Up Andrew St. James Top 200
Telepathic Teddy Bear All this Time Forgiveness Dance
MC Chris Reese
JJ Doom Guv'nor
Redtbacher's Funkestra Funktionality Dr. Hypenstein Top 200
Sleater - Kinney No Cities to Love No Cities to Love Top 200
the Alabama Shakes Hold On
Ida Maria Oh My God
Streetlight Manifesto Everything Went Numb
Gov't Mule Bad Man Walking
BC Camplight Love isn't Anybody's Fault How to Die in the North Top 200
Bill Madden O Ye of Little Faith New Religion Top 200
MC Frontalot Zero Day
MC Chris Part Five

In attempting to erase a mistake I had made, I pressed the backspace button, assuming that it would delete the words I had just typed. It had instead, gone to the previous page, erasing my entire playlist. So therefore, this is and approximation of what I played.

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