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The Bear Attack playlist for 02/13/2015

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
safe harbor
Born gold Abdomen I am an exit
Chela Hand of Gold Hand of Gold Dance
Prawn Halcyon Days Kingfisher
Telepathic teddy Sharp Feathers Forgiveness Dance
The algorithm Trojans polymorphic code
Viet Cong Pointless Experience Viet Cong Top 200
safe harbor
La roux bulletproof in time for the kill
Meatloaf I'd do anything for love Single
Children of Nova Erratic Erratic
The stooges I wanna be your dog The stooges
Marilyn Manson cupid carries a gun the pale emperor metal
Underoath tooo bright to see, too loud to hear lost in the sound of separation
Safe Harbor
Darkest hour a Thousand words but one undoing ruin
Diecast medieval tearing down the blue skies
Venom Stigmata Satanas from the very depths metal
Sylosis Leech Dormant Heart Metal
cyclamen it's there huanted shores/cyclamen
Currents rose still//life
The Wild Beyond wake up the wild beyond Metal
the last ten seconds of life Guillotine queen soulless hymns metal
safe harbor
Serianna Inheritors Inheritos
Canis Major Periastra Periastra
Our last enemy 10,000 headless horses Our last enemy
Devin townsend By your command Ziltoid the omniscient
Norma Jean Anthem of the angry brides Meridional

a mix just in tome for the love of chocolate (I'll be alone with some ice cream and a good movie tomorrow)

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