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The Megapixel Mix playlist for 03/27/2015

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
David Arnold How It Was Done Sherlock: Music From Series 3
Mother Mother Monkey Tree A Very Good Bad Thing Top 200
A Sunny Day In Glasgow I'm in Love With Useless Sea When Absent
Mother Falcon Dirty Summer
Passion Pit Sleepyhead Manners
Computer Magic Shipwreaking Dreams of Better Days Top 200
Psychic Friend Water Sign
Yumi Zuma A Long Walk Home From Parted Lovers EP 1 Top 200
WE ARE TWIN The Way We Touch We Are Twin
Metric Black Sheep Fantasies
Paperwhite Take Me Back Magic Top 200
Oh Land White Nights Oh Land
CaveofswordS Cruel Harvest Sigils Top 200
Wildcat! Wildcat! Hero No Moon At All
Wildcat! Wildcat! Mr. Quiche
Yelle Completement Fou
Deap Vally Baby I Can Hell Sistrionix
Halestorm Don't Know How To Stop The Strange Case Of...
Little Jackie Take Back Back The World Made 4 TV
Eli Paperboy Reed WooHoo Nights Like This
Last Dinosaurs Zoom In A Million Years
The Dear Hunter Whisper Migrant
Owen Pallett Lewis Takes Off His Shirt Heartland
The Real Tuesday Weld Last Words Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist Soundtrack
Little Green Cars The John Wayne Absolute Zero
Young Buffalo Man In Your Dreams House Top 200
Fox in the Henhouse Fears The Fox EP
Sandra Kolstad My Yellow Heart Zero Gravity State of Mind Top 200
Natalie Prass Bird of Prey Natalie Prass Top 200
Blackbird Blackbird Tangerine Sky Tangerine Sky
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