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Remembering the 80'and 90's : Spotlight Performance

Happy Saturday yall!
First, I apologize for there being no "CHECK THIS OUT" this week, but I will have one next week. Also next week I might not be having a show or I will not be at my usual time. I will try to post something before or on Wednesday to clear that up.
But any who, it's time for a SPOTLIGHT PERFORMANCE!!!!

We're out of the funky feel, but I wanted to have fun on this performance and watching this one might make you break a SWEAT! So get ready cause here it comes.

Let us go to our clues for this performer!
According to the land of Internet:

1.) This performer is an American rapper, dancer, and much more!
2.) This performer is considered to be a "forefather/pioneer" of pop rap.

That's all for the clues, see who the performer is.


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