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The Discordian Orchestra playlist for 09/07/2015

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
News News News
Safe Harbor Safe Harbor Warning! Safe Harbor Warning
Megadeth Sweating Bullets Countdown to Extinction
Rainbow Gates of Babylon Long Live Rock n Roll
Helloween Mirror Mirror The Dark Ride
Rhapsody of Fire Unholy Warcry Symphony of Enchanted Lands II
Heidevolk Het Dvalande Licht Velua
Kamelot Insomnia Haven
Motorhead The Devil Bad Magic Metal
Safe Harbor Safe Harbor Warning Safe Harbor Warning
Hammercult Altar of Pain Built for War Metal
Wolfheart Abyss Shadow World Metal
Funeral Pendulum From These Wounds
Wolvserpent Threshold Gateway Perigaea Antahkarana
News News News
Ghost He Is Meliora Metal
Pentagram Walk Alone Curious Volume Metal
Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats The Night Creeper The Night Creeper Metal
Dark Sermon Rat King The Oracle Metal
Ramming Speed Beasts of Labor Epitaphs Metal
Motorhead Electricity Bad Magic Metal
Butcher Babies Igniter Take it Like a Man Metal
Safe Harbor SAFE HARBOR Safe Harbor
Inquisition Darkness Flows Towards the Unseen Horizons Obscure Verses for the Multiverse
Watain Four Thrones Lawless Darkness
Vattnet Viskar Settler Settler
Wintersun Time Time I
Ghost Deus in Absentia Meliora Metal
Bathory Mother Earth, Father Thunder Nordland I
News News News
Safe Harbor Safe Harbor Warning SAFE HARBOR

I could have been at a Folk Metal show, so I will play some instead.

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