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Speedy playlist for 01/23/2011

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
My Chemical Romance vampire money danger days
my chemical romance plantary go danger days
mindless self indulgence shut me up you'll rebel to anything
mika rain the boy who knew to much
kill hannah new york city speed wake up the sleepers
Kill Hannah strobe lights wake up the sleepers
mcfly please please motion in the ocean
panic at the disco nails for breakfast, tacks for snacks a fever you cant sweat off
panic at the disco nothern downpour pretty odd
paramore ignorance behind new eyes
patent pending los angeles save each other the whales are doing just fine
we are the fallen bury me alive tear the world down
wiz khalifa black and yellow
reel big fish your guts( i hate them)
rise against long forgotten sons appeal to reason
rise against state of the union
sex pistols1 god save the queen never mind the bollocks
sex pistols anarchy in the uk never mind the bollock
street dogs you alone back to the world
street dogs back to the world back to world
the strokes Reptilia
the tossers go down witch down
us bombs in and out covert action
operation ivy the crowd
operation ivy bad town
billy idol dancing with myself
anti flag id tell you but
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