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Jukebox Time Machine playlist for 02/20/2016

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
Keys N Krates U Already Know Midnite Mass EP Dance
Keys N Krates save Me Midnite Mass EP Dance
DJDS In the Flames Stand up and Speak Dance
DJDS Stand Up and Speak Stand up and Speak Dance
Zayn Pillowtalk Single High Tops
High Highs How Could You Know Cascades Top 200
Mass Gothic Every Night You've got to save me Mass Gothic EP Top 200
The Ready Set Good Enough Good Enough High Tops
The Foozies Granola Jones Granola Jones
Kaskade Atmosphere Atmospheer
Capital kings In the Wild II
Josh A Tranzit Muerto
Ephixa Give you back life give you back life
Razihel Children of the night Children of the night
Kick The Habit 10,000 10,000
news news news
Pixl Sugar Rush Sugar rush EP
Stepcat Jitterbug the Jitterbug EP
Sirens Cat the Devil's Swing The method to the Madness
JFB Wobble and Squeak What goes Around comes Around
Tape Five Tequilla - Swing Patrol Mix swing Patrol
mike Down That Swing "G" Swinging Jazz
Owen Davies the Legend Of Zelda theme - Dubstep the Legend Of Zelda theme - Dubstep
Toby Fox Dummy! Undertale OST
Cash cash Overtime Overtime EP
Rhaeide Hearthstone - Main Theme Hearthstone - Main Theme
Video games live Skyrim - "Dragonborn Theme" level 3
Yungtown Settle it in smash settle it in smash
Toby Fox Asgore undertale OST
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More EDM and Undertale fanboying in store

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