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The Discordian Orchestra playlist for 02/29/2016

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
News News News
Safe Harbor Safe Harbor Warning! Safe Harbor Warning
David Bowie Blackstar Blackstar High Tops
Helloween Mr. Torture The Dark Ride
Anthrax Breathing Lightning Breathing Lightning (Single) Metal
Black Sabbath Iron Man Paranoid
Vattnet Viskar Settler Settler
Safe Harbor Safe Harbor Warning Safe Harbor
Holy Grail Crystal King Times of Pride and Peril Metal
Earthside Crater A Dream in Static Metal
Khaotika Heretik Within The Flame Unleashed
Night Rite Rise of the Black Sun Chaosophy
News News News
Safe Harbor Safe Harbor Warning Safe Harbor
Killing Joke Euphoria Pylon Metal
Olahia Feel the Earth Hunters Metal
Dissona Outside the Skin Paleopneumatic Metal
Fleshgod Apocalypse Paramour (Die Leidenschaft Bringt Leiden) King Metal
Vreid Black Waves Welcome Farewell
Samael Baphomet's Throne Ceremony of Opposites/Rebellion
Taake Doedskvad Part I Hordaland Doedskvad
Safe Harbor Safe Harbor Warning Safe Harbor
Mayhem Pandaemon Esoteric Warfare
Saturnalia Temple To the Other To the Other
Celtic Frost Procreation (Of the Wicked) Morbid Tales
Mephorash Riphyon - The Tree of Assiyah Putrescent (feat. Nebiros) 1557 - The Rites of Nullification
Degial Uncoiling Chaos Savage Mutiny
News News News
Safe Harbor Safe Harbor Warning Safe Harbor Warning

Black Metal History Month!

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