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The Rock Block playlist for 04/07/2016

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
News News News News
pausemc Wait Until I Drop Blue EP Top 200
Acme Giants Carey Ann Acme Giants Top 200
Mass Gothic Every Night You've Got to Save Me Mass Gothic Top 200
David Bowie Sue (Or In A Season of Crime( Blackstar High Tops
Fly Golden Eagle Psyche's Dagger Swagger
The Smiths Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before Strangeways, Here We Come
Talking Heads Born Under Punches Remain In Light
Bumblebeez Dr Love Prince Umberto and the Sister of Ill
The Doors Peace Frog Morrison Hotel
Ambulance LTD Primitive (The Way I Treat You) LP
Tom Vek Aroused Leisure Seizure
The King Khan & BBQ Show I'll Be Loving You Invisible Girl
Cake Frank Sinatra Fashion Nugget
News News News News
The Avalanches Since I Left You Since I Left You
The Avalanches Stay Another Season Since I Left You
The Avalanches Radio Since I Left You
The Avalanches Two Hearts in 3/4 Time Since I Left You
The Avalanches Avalanche Rock Since I Left You
The Avalanches Flight Tonight Since I Left You
The Avalanches Close to You Since I Left You
The Avalanches Diner's Only Since I Left You
The Avalanches A Different Feeling Since I Left You
The Avalanches Electricity Since I Left You
The Avalanches Tonight Since I Left You
The Avalanches Pablo's Cruise Since I Left You
The Avalanches Frontier Psychiatrist Since I Left You
The Avalanches ETOH Since I Left You
The Avalanches Summer Crane Since I Left You
The Avalanches Little Journey Since I Left You
The Avalanches Live at Dominoes Since I Left You
The Avalanches Extra Kings Since I Left You

What do you call a drummer that breaks up with his girlfriend? Homeless.
What do you call someone who hangs around with musicians? A Bass Player.
Why couldn't the vocalist get through the door? It didn't know when to come in.
What is the difference between a guitarist and a Savings Bond? A savings bond will earn money.
Thank you, I'll be here all semester.

Album of the Week: The Avalanches - Since I Left You

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