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Chris Frink and Alex Sader playlist for 03/03/2011

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
The Arkells No champagne socialist jackson square
The disappearing act Medicine The disappearing act Top 200
Little do i know Everythings vibrating The whole universe and who cares
The Low Anthem Hey all you hippies smart flesh Top 200
Landon Pigg Falling in love at a coffee shop Falling in love at a coffee shop
Paper cuts white are the waves fading parade Top 200
kakiat park The mill siren Top 200
The nails home of the brave home of the brave
Old coyotes the weepies hideaway
panic at the disco behind the sea alternate version pretty odd
empires Damn Things Over Bang
Eric Bibb Pockets get on board
Brand new the archers bows are broken The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Of Me
The Avett Brothers january wedding i and love and you
Fleetwood mac Rihannon undefined
the almost amazing because it is southern weather
freelance whales broken horse weathervanes
mandy moore can't you just adore her? wild hope
Bright eyes Another traveling song im wide awake , its morning
The babies sick kids the babies Top 200
The radio dept. Freddie and the trojen horse singles Top 200
fleetwood foxes helplessness news single Top 200
cold war kids louder than ever mine is yours Top 200
copeland the last time he saw dorie eat sleep repeat
Mumford & Sons The cave sigh no more
envy on the coast tell them that she's not scared lucy gray
iron & wine lion's mane The Creek Drank The Cradle
manchester orchestra now that you're home i'm like a virgin losing a child
death cab for cutie we laugh indoors the photo album

Awesome awesomeness at its best with me and the soon to be co-host!! Playing softer indie rock/folk and everything else in between.

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