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Monday Metal Madness playlist for 04/04/2011

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
Havok Fatal Intervention Time is Up Metal
Kreator Pleasure to Kill Pleasure to Kill
Destruction Hate is my Fuel Day of Reckoning Metal
Testament 3 Days in Darkness The Gathering
Cavalera Conspiracy Lynch Mob Blunt Force Trauma Metal
Slayer Die By the Sword Show No Mercy
Assaulter Exalt the Master Boundless! Metal
Warbeast Born With a Blackened Heart Krush the Enemy
Exhorder Un-Born Again The Law
Scale the SUmmit Metal
Blackguard Metal
Sin-atra Metal
Kvelertak Metal
Rotten SOund Metal
Goes Cube Metal
Obscura Metal
Assaulter Metal
Cavalera Conspiracy Metal
Destruction Metal
Havok Metal

Playlist got deleted, so I did my best.

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