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Double bass kickin' it w/ DJ Witz playlist for 04/08/2011

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
Bayside Sick, Sick, Sick Letting go
A day to remember Fast forward to 2012 For those who have heart
A day to remember Speak of the devil For those who have heart
Rise against This is letting go Endgame
Silverstein Texas mikey Rescue
Dead and divine San Dimas The Fanciful
Horizons Control Its all worth reacahing for
Bayside The Wrong way Letting go
Mae West Brazillionare Mae West
Brand new Sic transit gloria Deja Entendu
Silverstein Medication Rescue
Paddock Park Kiss Kiss bang bang a hiding place for friends
Emmure Dogs get put down Speaker of the dead
Memphis may fire Deuces las cruces Between the lies
Feed her to the sharks extinction/resurrection feed her to the sharks
August burns red Composure Messangers
Horizons While I breathe Its all worth reaching for
Eskimo Callboy Mrs promqueen Transitions EP
Of mice and men Second and sebring OM&M
The intake of glass Writing on the walls Writing on the walls
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