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Speedy playlist for 04/10/2011

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
afi love like winter
jag panzer let it out The Scourge of the light metal
aiden horror queen disguises metal
brand new sic trans gloria Deja Entandu
Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows im here to take the sky drugs metal
chiodos baby you wouldnt last a minute on the creek alls well that ends well
Straight Line Stitch cold front the fight of our lives Metal
flyleaf beautiful bride
sirenia all my dreams the engima of life metal
guns n roses used to love her lies
The Human Abstract mea culpa
Judas Priest Breaking the law british steel
blackguard farewell firefight metal
amon amarth destroyer of the universe surtur rising metal
kill hannah paper dolls
Lacuna Coil self depection comalies
the human abstract holographic sight digital veil Metal
leather mouth 5th period massacre xo
sin-atra the lady is a tramp sin-atra metal
linkin park somewhere i belong meterora
symfonia fields of avalon in paradisum metal
protest the hero c'est la vie Scurrilous metal
madina lake never take us alive
mindless self indulgence self me up youll rebel to anything
motion city soundtrack the future freaks me out i am the movie
new found glory dont let her pull you down not without a fight
across the sun a moment of clarity Before the Night Takes Us metal
evergrey wrong glorious collision metal
streetlight manifesto a better place a better time
aiden one love conviction
flyleaf im so sick flyleaf

My show is becoming more and more metal with some pop-rock, and

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