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Uncle Bill's Morning Variety playlist for 04/11/2011

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
the moody blues question
moody blues in your wildest dreams
moody blues ride my see saw
moody blues go now
Pink Flyod another brick in the wall
Pink Flyod money
Pink Flyod French windows
Pink Flyod brain damage (eclipse)
ELO roll over beethoven
ELO don't bring me down
ELO turn to stone
ELO hold on thight
devo time out for fun
devo peek-a-boo
devo out of sync
devo beautiful world
devo enough said
David Bowie let's dance
David Bowie & Bing Crosby john,I'm only dancing
David Bowie all the young dudes
David Bowie hereos
David Bowie space oddity( Italian version)
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