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Party Time playlist for 04/11/2011

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
Andrew WK It's time to Party I get wet
Children of Bodom Cry fo the Nihlist Relentless REckless Forever Metal
Goes Cube Property In Tides and Drifts Metal
Sin-Atra New York, new York Sin-Atra Metal
Rotting sound Alone Cursed Metal
Spire Harbringer Discovery
Fran Ferdinand The dark of the Matinee Franz Ferdinand
Gorillaz Dare Demon Days
Abney Park Virus Lost Horizons
Delerium Love Chimeria
Daft Punk TRON Legacy TRON Legacy
Marlyn Manson Sweet Dreams (are made of this) Lest we forget
MIndless Self Indulgence Perscription IF
vivaldi Concerto #2 in G minor
Streetligh Manifesto Would you be impresssed? Somewhere in the between
Muse Undisclosed Desires The resistance
Powerquest Battle stations Blood Alliance Metal
Symfonia Pilgrim road In Paradisum Metal
Amon Amarth Destroyer of the Universe Sutur Rising metal
Black Guard Farewell Firefight Metal
The Clash Bankrobber Story of the Clash
Broken Bells The Mall and Misery Broken Bells
The Beatles Here comes the sun Abbey Road
Emilie Autumn I don't Care much Orpheliac
Tom Lehere Poisoning pigeons in the park Songs songs and more songs
Dissection Where dead angels lie Storm of lights bane
Al Namrood Junood al amjaad Estorat Taghoot
Wretched Cimmerian Shamball beyond the gate
Carach Agren Departure towards a nautical curse Death Came through a phantom ship
Powerglove Mario Minor Metal combat for the mortal man
Darude Sandstorm

A play list dedicated to moving from Spring to Winter. Well most of it

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