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Smash the Apparatus playlist for 12/16/2018

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
Talk Show Warning
Usa Singer Communist Party USA (Soviet Anthem In English)
Socialist East Несокрушимая и Легендарная! Invincible and Legendary! (English Lyrics)
Socialist East Мы - армия народа! We Are the Army of the People! (English Lyrics)
Fred Hampton Fred Hampton on Revolution And Racism
Pete Seeger Solidarity Forever - IWW Song (With Lyrics)
Pete Seeger Pete Seeger "Which Side Are You On?"
Michael Parenti Parenti communism did work for millions of people
Michael Parenti Michael Parenti on the Cuban Revolution
Michael Parenti Michael Parenti on Bernie Sanders
Alex's Dank Communist Music Song of the Russian soldier [English Subtitles] - Песня о русском солдате
YU 0 Laki / Jugoslovenski partizani Aj Karmela [Ay Carmela] - Jugoslovenski Partizani [Yugoslav Partisans]
GETChan Сад Смо Једна Армија / Sad Smo Jedna Armija - We Are Now One Army (Himna JNA - Anthem of the JNA)
Woody Guthrie Tear The Fascists Down-Woody Guthrie Lyric Video
Woody Guthrie All You Fascists Bound To Lose
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