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Party Time playlist for 05/02/2011

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
andrew Wk It's time to Party I get wet
Kampfar Volvers Mare Metal
Becoming the archetype The Magnetic sky Celestial completion Metal
Sin-atra New York, New york Sin-Atra MEtal
Blackguard wastelands firefight Metal
Sawlegen Saracen Knight Stories from an old empire
Scarab Ankh Blinding the masses
Al-Namrood estorat taghoot Estorat Taghoot
Narjahanam Al-Jihad Undama Tath'hur Al Shams Mn Al Gharb
Orphand Land Ocean Land mabool
Nile Sarcophagus In their darknedn shrines
Between the Buried and Me Lunar Wilderness The Parallax: Hypersleep dialoges Metal
Asking Alexandria Dear INsanity Reckless and Relentless Metal
Last Chance to reason Taking control Level 2 metal
Amon Amarth Live Without regrets Sutur rising MEtal
Dimmu borgir Dimmu Borgir Abrahadabra
Agalloch She painted fire across the skyline Pale folklore
Voltaire Ex lovers lover Devil's bris
wretched Mephistos will The exodus of autonomy
The Black Mages One wigned angel Advent Children soundtrack
Powerglove tetris tottal pownage
Salem King night King night

Yay for making the show up as you go along

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