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Speedy playlist for 11/18/2009

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
Wolfmother California Queen Cosmic Egg Top 200
Eternity's End Eternitys ending Eternity's End (Single) Local
D.O.A human bomb northern avenger punk
strike anywhere failed state iron front punk
Action item mystery selftitled
amber pacific runaway truth in sincerity
Anberlin feel good drag new surrender
barenaked ladies pinch me committed to rock
five for fighting superman
Him rip out the wings of a butterfly dark light
Jamisonparker everybody wants to rule the world punk goes 80s
Joan Jett and the blackhearts five Warped tour
Bo Bice I dont want to be
Carrie Underwood Independance Day
Daughtry what i want Daughtry
The Early November power of love punk goes 80's
John Lennon imagine
Sonata Arctica flag in the ground Days of Grays metal
scar symettry the iconoclast dark matter dimensions metal
trans siberian orchestra night enchanted selections from night castle metal
killswitch engaged rose of sharyn taste of chaos
3 rabid animals revisions metal
lacuna coil devoted karmacode
a perfect circle the outsider Thirteenth Step
matchbox twenty unwell more than you think
Queen underpressure Classic Queen
The Almost monster monster monster monster punk
Savage Garden crash and burn affirmation
stone temple pilots wicked garden thank you

Crazy little mix of music...mixture of soft rock, metal, hard rock, indie, country... a good mixture of new and old

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