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Alternating Rhythms playlist for 10/04/2019

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
Imagine Dragons whatever it takes
Imagine Dragions Zero
Chatuea djo
Vampire weekend cousins
Carolina Rose Soul number 5
Lana Del RAy Marine apartment complex Norman fucking Rockwell High tops
Sofi Tucker purple hat apartment complex high tops
The Kills List of demands
Rainbow kitten surprise fever pitch
Shinobi Ninja Subcon Bless up Hip Hop
mazzy star fade into me
Karen O Danger mouse turn the light
Cowboy junkies misguided angel
Leonard Cohen partisan
news news news news
Elle King Shame
Jet Are you gonna be my girl
Bishop briggs River
Albert King I'll play the blues for you
The rza the joy of life
Chrvches death stranding
Middle kids Edge of town
Marion Hill Down
Jay Som Tenderness Anah Koi Top tops
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