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Are you Dunne yet? playlist for 08/29/2011

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
best coast our deal
raveonettes with my eyes close
the jesus & mary chain just like honey
yo la tengo you can have it all
discovery osaka loop line
pizzicato five such a beautiful girl like you
donovan wear your love like heaven
yo la tengo the way some people die
The Mary Onettes pleasure songs
nouvelle vague in a manner of speaking
little joy don't watch me dancing
david bowie god only knows
rilo kiley always
la sera beating heart
magnetic fields i was born
devotchka exhaustible
the shins australia
bright eyes shell games
bright eyes i must belong somewhere
mountain goats dance music
belle & sebastian baby jane
le tigre cry for everything bad that's ever happened
the knife marble house
lcd soundsystem i can change
the go! team doing it right
vivian girls take it as it comes
nico these days
metric combat baby (acoustic)
the pipettes it hurts to see you dance so well
minnie and the kneebones me and my miniskirt
magnetic fields i don't love you anymore
other half its been a good day
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