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Strangest of Places

Centered around rock from the 60's and 70's and incorporating music and discussion from the band The Grateful Dead. I speak about the influence that the band has had on their dedicated fanbase known as "Dead Heads". I give insight on why the Grateful Dead is so special, as well as many other bands of that time.

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© 2024 WONY, an SA funded club. Views expressed here are those of WONY and its members, not SUNY College at Oneonta or the SA.

WONY 90.9FM is a Class A, non-commercial radio station. You can view the station's public file here. Access our most recent Euqal Employment Opportunity (EEO) public file report here. If need assistance accessing the public file or our EEO report, please contact the WONY General Manager at, or (607) 436-2712.