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Party Time playlist for 10/18/2011

Artist Title Album Rotation Link
news news news news
Van Canto Master of the wind Break the Silence Metal
Andrew WK It's time to party I get wet
Absu Abraxas connexus abraxas connexus Metal
Skeletonwitch choke upon betrayal Forever abomination Metal
Mastodon Specterlight The hunter Metal
Infected mushroom Becoming insane Vicious delicious
Sawlegen Saracene Knight Stories of an old empire
Across the sun Season Before the night takes us
Powerwolf Son of a wolf blood of the saints
Apocalyptica Helden Worlds Colide
Stray from the path Damien Make your own history
Muse Sunburn Showbiz
News news news news
We came as romans understanding what we've gronw to be understanding what we've grown to be metal
Bury your dead Blue beard Mosh n roll metal
OPeth The lines in my hand Heritage Metal
Deathstars Genocide Synthetic generation
Emmure demons with ryu Speaker of the dead
Korpiklaani Vodka Karkelo
Bring me the horizon Crucify me There is a hell belive me i've seen it there is a heaven lets keep it a seccret
Powergloce Birth of a god Total pwnage
Trivium In waves in waves
John Coulton Still Alive Orange box soundtrack
Voltaire Ex lovers lovers The devils bris
Tool Schism Laterals
Mayhem Funeral fog De Mysteriis dom sathanas

Right, Didn't make a play list for this one, lets see how it goes.

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